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Saturday 27 June 2020

Dazcat 1495 Hissy Fit strutting for the drone

The 2019 Scottish Sailing Trip. Episode 4

making the most of Sailing the brittish weather

Lottery grant will allow more disabled people to go sailing at Rye Harbour

Rye Harbour Sailability (RHS) is a registered charity enabling people with disabilities, to experience the fun and freedom of sailing. Caroline Wylson, from the charity, said: “RHS gives our sailors the chance of sailing, on a regular basis, in a dinghy with an experienced skipper and crew under the watchful eye of an RYA (Royal Yachting Association) Senior instructor. “Our charity is run entirely by volunteers and after each sail we hold a BBQ, or provide a hot meal, for our Sailability family where we can all share our experiences together. “At each sailing day, held once or twice a month, during the sailing season, we cater for 30 or more people including sailors and volunteers. Our sailors include people with autism, mild mobility issues, cerebral palsy, learning difficulties, dementia and mental health issues, who all enjoy sailing at Rye Harbour. “A massive thank you to People’s Postcode Trust who have supported Rye Harbour Sailability with an outstanding award of £19,617 to enable the charity to buy its second Sailability boat, a Drascombe Lugger. “The number of sailors has increased steadily since our launch in August 2017 and with only one boat our sailors have had to wait sometimes for over an hour for a sail. “The second boat will enable us to take more sailors out on the water and reduce waiting times. For sailors, the wait has often been exasperating, and this second boat will relieve the frustration felt by both sailors and volunteers. “The whole project has been made possible by this award from People’s Postcode Trust, a grant giving charity, funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery. A huge thank you from the Rye Harbour Sailability family. “Kerry Phillips, one of our sailors, who was the first member to join our Sailability family, says: ‘I like the open air and the feeling of the sea and the freedom of the sailing. I also like to help with the rigging of our boat. I have made lots of new friends too’. “We have placed an order for the Drascombe Lugger, which should be completed by the end of September when, if Covid-19 allows, we shall have our first sail. “We are all extremely excited about our new boat and cannot wait for the day when the Drascombe Lugger arrives at Rye Harbour. When the boat is ready, we shall be able to take more sailors sailing at every session and reduce wait times.” For more information about what we do or to volunteer some of your time to this excellent and worthwhile charity, email carolinewylson@btinternet.com.

Helensburgh Sailing Club's members return to water after lockdown

MEMBERS of Helensburgh Sailing Club have returned to organised action – albeit in a non-competitive way – for the first time since the coronavirus lockdown took effect more than three months ago. The club is holding recreational sailing sessions for 'training' sailors each Saturday morning from 10.30am until 12.30pm. If you're an HSC member, you can join in by emailing training@helensburghsailingclub.co.uk by Friday evening to book your place. But it'll be a while yet before the club can start working towards reinstating a programme of events close to that held prior to the lockdown. Donald McLaren, honorary secretary of Helensburgh Sailing Club, commented: "The club is weathering the Covid storm remarkably well, with nearly 30 new members since the turn of the year. "However, aside from the recreational sailing we are awaiting reductions in lockdown so that something like our full programme of racing, training and cruising musters can be resumed."

Thursday 25 June 2020

Yacht Club members get back to messing about on the water

It was all hands on deck on Loch Linnhe on Saturday as Sailing enthusiasts from around the region weighed anchor for the first time in almost three months. Lochaber Yacht Club (LYC) members took to the loch in single handed boats, or same household sailors in double handers, for an afternoon of planned, socially distanced sailing. ‘Saturday should have been the LYC 2020 Regatta but due to COVID our plans had to change,’ said committee member Karen Dean. In total there were five boats on the loch, with volunteers in two safety boats and onshore to assist with launching. ‘A good wind, warm sunshine and great views meant everyone had a very enjoyable afternoon,’ added Karen. Anyone wishing to join Lochaber Yacht Club can do so by visiting lochaber-yacht-club.co.uk/ and fill in the application form. New active members are most welcome. The club have a large family membership with lots of young sailors and a few old sea-salts too. For all the latest news visit the Lochaber Yacht Club Facebook page.

Young sailors will soon be back on water at Littlehampton

The Aqua Centre, Littlehampton’s home of affordable dinghy sailing, like all other activities, has not been operating for the past few months because of the Covid-19 pandemic. But following the easing of some of the lockdown restrictions and, in keeping with the government guidelines, some of the centre’s instructors got afloat to test out the protocols that had been set up to keep everybody safe while enjoying the sport they love. A gentle breeze and the neap tide were near-perfect for the first sailing session of the season. Hopefully this will mean that many of the young members will be able to get afloat and continue their progress through the Royal Yachting Association’s Youth Training Scheme while having fun among other young people and getting some exercise in the open air The intention is to gradually take more members into the group but because of the distancing and other restrictions it probably will not be possible to include those who are only just starting on the path of becoming competent sailors until many more restrictions have been eased. The message to all young people who were hoping to give dinghy sailing a try is: Don’t give up, things will get better and the centre staff will be here ready and willing to introduce you, possibly starting from sailing little Oppies on Mewsbrook Park Lake to sailing a much larger Topper Sport 14 out on the open sea, to the exciting and sometimes challenging thrill of dinghy sailing. Young people aged between eight and 18 who are already confident sailors will be welcome to join the fun while, any beginners will be introduced to sailing when conditions are right. Contact the centre to let us know if you are interested in getting afloat. See www.ayac.org.uk/admin@ayac.org.uk/01903714753 for more information