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Thursday 25 June 2020

Young sailors will soon be back on water at Littlehampton

The Aqua Centre, Littlehampton’s home of affordable dinghy sailing, like all other activities, has not been operating for the past few months because of the Covid-19 pandemic. But following the easing of some of the lockdown restrictions and, in keeping with the government guidelines, some of the centre’s instructors got afloat to test out the protocols that had been set up to keep everybody safe while enjoying the sport they love. A gentle breeze and the neap tide were near-perfect for the first sailing session of the season. Hopefully this will mean that many of the young members will be able to get afloat and continue their progress through the Royal Yachting Association’s Youth Training Scheme while having fun among other young people and getting some exercise in the open air The intention is to gradually take more members into the group but because of the distancing and other restrictions it probably will not be possible to include those who are only just starting on the path of becoming competent sailors until many more restrictions have been eased. The message to all young people who were hoping to give dinghy sailing a try is: Don’t give up, things will get better and the centre staff will be here ready and willing to introduce you, possibly starting from sailing little Oppies on Mewsbrook Park Lake to sailing a much larger Topper Sport 14 out on the open sea, to the exciting and sometimes challenging thrill of dinghy sailing. Young people aged between eight and 18 who are already confident sailors will be welcome to join the fun while, any beginners will be introduced to sailing when conditions are right. Contact the centre to let us know if you are interested in getting afloat. See www.ayac.org.uk/admin@ayac.org.uk/01903714753 for more information

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