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Thursday 25 June 2020

Yacht Club members get back to messing about on the water

It was all hands on deck on Loch Linnhe on Saturday as Sailing enthusiasts from around the region weighed anchor for the first time in almost three months. Lochaber Yacht Club (LYC) members took to the loch in single handed boats, or same household sailors in double handers, for an afternoon of planned, socially distanced sailing. ‘Saturday should have been the LYC 2020 Regatta but due to COVID our plans had to change,’ said committee member Karen Dean. In total there were five boats on the loch, with volunteers in two safety boats and onshore to assist with launching. ‘A good wind, warm sunshine and great views meant everyone had a very enjoyable afternoon,’ added Karen. Anyone wishing to join Lochaber Yacht Club can do so by visiting lochaber-yacht-club.co.uk/ and fill in the application form. New active members are most welcome. The club have a large family membership with lots of young sailors and a few old sea-salts too. For all the latest news visit the Lochaber Yacht Club Facebook page.

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