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Wednesday 23 September 2015

Blind sailor from Washington wins sailing silver medal at world championship

Blind sailor Chris Albert has brought home a silver medal after representing Britain in a racing world championship. The 49-year-old, who lost his sight in 2008, was part of a four-man GBR blind sailing crew, which competed at the Blind World Fleet Racing Championship in Chicago this month. He was sailing in the B3 class and was handling the mainsheet of the boat. The crew also included another visually-impaired sailor, who was at the helm, and two members who could see. They took part in a number of races, competing against teams from countries such as America, Canada and New Zealand, and came away with a silver medal overall. Team Great Britain also secured the Squadron Cup for their combined performance across all sections. Chris, of Washington, said he had suffered an injury before he set out for Chicago. On top of that, the sailing conditions were challenging during the competition. He added: “We spent the first day just trying to get used to the vessel - a Chicago Match Race Tom 28 boat. We had never sailed in it before. “And the weather conditions were very challenging. It was quite windy and there were 7ft waves washing through the boat. “The most difficult thing was to cope with the varying conditions and getting the communication right, especially in the strong winds when you can’t hear each other’s voice. “We put tactics in place to deal with different situations. “I’m absolutely over the moon that we won a silver medal as well as the Squadron Cup. We were up against tough competition with teams from around the world. “And considering the fact that I had a trapped nerve in my neck before the event, I think we didn’t do badly.” Chris, who used to work as an automotive and aerospace engineer, lost his sight as a result of diabetes. He had a number of laser treatments to try and stop the deterioration but to no avail. He is classed as severely visually impaired. However he did not let his condition stop him from taking up sailing. He bought his own boat and joined the South Shields Sailing Club around two years ago. Chris, who now works for South Tyneside Council and helps to educate children with sight or hearing problems about modern technology, wants to encourage youngsters to take up sport. He said: “I hope to inspire children to try different things and get them interested in sailing.”

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