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Thursday 24 September 2015

Sail Scotland brings results for marine tourism

A REVAMPED Sail Scotland is delivering results for marine tourism, according to a survey just published. Sail Scotland, the national marketing organisation, is one of the core bodies behind the development of the National Marine Tourism Strategy – "Awakening the Giant". A new report highlights the progress made by Sail Scotland over the past two years including increased membership which has grown by over 30 per cent, bringing total membership to over 60 businesses, and revenue up by over 70 per cent. Supported by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), Sail Scotland aims to attract more domestic and international sailing visitors to Scotland. Originally set up in 1994, Sail Scotland has seen a positive turnaround in the last two years since the appointment of chief executive Daniel Steel. Sail Scotland launched a new website earlier this year which forms a central part of its activity and includes information such as news about sailing in Scotland, tides, navigation and events. Mr Steel said: "We have fantastic members and a strong, committed industry board. "Over the past two years we have strengthened governance, grown revenue streams, built new strategic partnerships, created a new digital platform, and delivered international marketing campaigns generating over a million pounds of economic benefit to the Scottish economy. "We have just been voted as the best sailing destination in the world. "We will not be resting on our laurels though. We have big plans for the next few years as we bring the entire marine industry together to work with one voice to market Scotland globally." Ian Philp, development manager at HIE, added: "Funding from HIE has enhanced Sail Scotland. Having a well organised board and a chief executive who has produced great results has enabled the industry to have a louder voice. "It has also brought together a fragmented industry of small businesses and relevant organisations and opened up sailing in Scotland to an international audience as well as national." Last week, it was also announced that Scotland was voted the World’s Best Cruising Ground in the prestigious Sailing Today Awards – beating the warm weather destinations of Greece, Turkey, Canaries, and St Vincent and the Grenadines.

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