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Friday 1 July 2016

Keighley mum defies the odds to take part in gruelling sailing challenge

A KEIGHLEY mum-of-three who was told she would never walk again after suffering a spinal injury is taking part in a gruelling round-Britain sailing challenge. Former soldier Maria-Theresa Miles was severely injured during a training exercise and was medically discharged from the army in 1999. The injury has left the ex-acting sergeant with permanent nerve damage and no feeling down her left side. But she has defied medical opinion and is preparing to join a team of other injured veterans on the Turn to Starboard Round Britain Challenge. The 41-year-old, who has just three months' sailing experience, will take part in a 300-plus-miles section between Liverpool and Falmouth. "After my accident I was told I would never walk again so taking part in the expedition has shown me how a positive mental attitude can help you achieve what you want," said Mrs Miles, who served in Northern Ireland during her time in the army. "To have reached this point has shown me how to not say 'no' and constantly push the barriers put in front of you." She was inspired to join the expedition after seeing an advert on the Turn to Starboard charity's website last year. Over the past three months, she has been attending training sessions on the Isle of Wight. She will join the 38-strong crew onboard the tall ship next month. "I think I'll be OK with rough seas and difficult weather conditions but I feel apprehensive about whether my back will hold out during the voyage," said Mrs Miles. "In preparation, I've been swimming and having training sessions to help strengthen it and I've had a new back support made specially for the trip." She was initially selected to take part in the whole 2,000-mile voyage, which began earlier this month, but she realised the dates clashed with her daughter's wedding. "I was over the moon when I received the phone call to say I had been chosen but I couldn't miss my daughter's big day on July 22," added Mrs Miles. "Thankfully she's been very understanding and allowed me to leave the party at midnight so I can get to Liverpool and join the boat for its 6am departure the following day! "She thinks I'm bonkers but says she is really proud!" Challenge organiser Turn to Starboard, a Falmouth-based charity, provides sailing opportunities for veterans with physical or psychological injuries. Founder and expedition skipper Shaun Pascoe said: "Maria-Theresa is a great example of how the expedition is already having a positive effect on participants. "We're excited to welcome her on board and will benefit from her positive attitude.” The eight-week trip is being sponsored by International Paints and supported by The Endeavour Fund. People are invited to donate by 'buying' a mile of the expedition for £10 at turntostarboard.co.uk/round-britain-challenge-2016/.

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