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Friday 1 July 2016

Yacht Tikka spices up Arbroath marina

Arbroath marina welcomed a fundraising crew to its docks last Wednesday in the shape of the 28-foot yacht, Tikka. The crew - led by Steve Pointon - is undertaking a charity sail round the coast of the UK to raise money for Action for Children. Steve, who has been joined by three petty officers on this leg of the journey, had set sail from Gosport on June 4. The arrival in Arbroath marked the 19th day of their journey. Steve, who was in the Royal Navy for over 24 years and still serves as a chief petty officer reservist on 700X squadron based at Culdrose, also explained that the crew had an unusual custom when they arrived at a new destination. He said: “One of us usually dresses up in a costume. As the boat is called Tikka, my wife thought of a good idea to dress up in a chicken outfit.” He is also updating a blog on his journey and, in his entry for Arbroath, he said: “We started with a good sailing day again today with the spinnaker flying well but the winds died in the afternoon testing our sail trimming skills until they disappeared completely and we motored the last few hours. Arbroath was a really friendly harbour with a mixture of yachts and small fishing boats.” The stay in Arbroath was short - with the yacht departing early the next morning for Peterhead. Steve said: “We’ve raised just short of £13,000 so far and all the money we are raising is going to Action For Children.” Explaining on Tikka’s Travel Facebook why the charity has their support, Steve commented: “They work tirelessly to help the most vulnerable children in our society to have a better chance in life. We are inviting friends and family to join us along the way. The plan is to sail from Portland in Dorset and circumnavigate the UK in under 12 weeks. The trip will be split into 11 legs with crew changes throughout.” If you would like to sponsor Steve and his family for their challenge, visit http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/charity-web/charity/displayCharityCampaignPage.action?charityCampaignUrl=TikkasTravels

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