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Thursday 8 October 2020

Hollingworth Lake Sailing Club Championship October 2020

On Sunday (4 October), in a strong easterly breeze, sailors competed for the club championship. This was run over three races with all results to count, so consistent results were important. In the first race, it was 13-year-old Hector Droungas who took the win in a Topper, with Martin Brennan (Solo) runner-up, followed within seconds by Jacob Din (also aged 13) in a Laser, Jasper Bramwell (aged 12) in a Topper and senior Nick Hornsby in a Solo. So close racing showed the main contenders. In the second race, the two young Topper sailors had to take a penalty at the start for a rule break. This left the path clear for the senior sailors to get ahead. The strong breeze now had some occasional flat spots. Nick Hornsby and Les Bithell with Emma Turner (Merlin Rocket) were able to take advantage and establish a clear lead which they held to the finish. Meanwhile, Hector Droungas rounded a mark and was caught by a stronger gust and capsized, resulting in him retiring from the race. The final race was sailed in more moderate conditions and the young sailors in Toppers benefitted. This time Hector Droungas made no mistake and took the win from Jasper Bramwell with Tom Daniel, in a Laser, third place ahead of Andy Carter and Martin Brennan in Solos. The consequences of counting all three race results gave overall victory to Jasper Bramwell, with his excellent results, ahead of Martin Brennan and Nick Hornsby in their Solos, as prizewinners. Having to count his second race result left the twice race winner Hector Droungas in fifth place overall. Special mention also goes to young Orla Turner for her first outing as crew in a Mirror with David Hughes, awarded Silver Fleet prize. Away from the lake, Daisy Fisher (aged 15) was competing in a junior Topper Championship at Draycote, in the Midlands, where, in a fleet of 75 boats, she finished third overall and was the leading female sailor.

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