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Tuesday 15 June 2021

Argo demolishes Bermuda-Plymouth record

 In her first outing since the beginning of the pandemic, Jason Carroll’s MOD70 trimaran, Argo, last week blew away the existing record for the passage between Bermuda and Plymouth, UK.

Argo’s 4 days 19 hours and 30 minutes (measured, but still subject to ratification by the World Sailing Speed Record Council) was 16 hours 37 minutes

Argo’s average speed for the direct course was 24.85 knots. In fact, including several gybes, Argo sailed 3,347 miles through the water at an average speed just under 29 knots, making it one of the highest speed passage records ever set by a MOD70.

“It was great, everyone was very experienced, and we had good drivers, so it was very smooth,” recounted Brian Thompson, skipper/navigator for the record.

“Everyone just kept in their rhythm and we were just trying to keep in the ‘Goldilocks zone’ wind-wise going around the high, not too close to the sun and not too far away,"

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