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Tuesday 13 July 2021

Wayfarer Eastern Championship at Waldringfield Sailing Club

 Mike and Simon went off with armfuls of excellent silverware which dates right back to the Wayfarer's early days in the late 50's. Andrew and Tom Wilson secured second overall and Neil and Anne were third and won the first Waldringfield boat trophy. Matthew Lake and Rachel Parkinson won the prize for first classic Wayfarer and Liz Feibusch and Will Cleverley took home the trophy for first female helm. Mike Mac, who's funnily enough pretty good at it by now, gave the traditional winners' "Thank-you" speech to the various people from Waldringfield and the Club who pulled together for another excellent event.

Next up are the Wayfarer Europeans and Nationals at Medway Yacht Club in mid August. The fleet always gets a cracking welcome at this long-time Wayfarer stronghold and there's plenty of optimism than numbers of entries will continue to rise as the fleet emerges from its enforced hibernation.

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