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Friday 14 July 2023

K1 Midland Area Championship at Rutland Sailing Club


The K1 Midland Area Championship was held over the weekend of 8th/9th July at Rutland Sailing Club. 

Visitors who dropped their boats off on Friday afternoon were greeted with bright sunshine, temperatures in excess of 28 degrees and a constant breeze of between Force 3 gusting Force 5. All looked excellent for the weekend, however what a difference a day makes. Saturday was what can only be described as a race officer's nightmare with flat calms followed literally by electrical storms. Very sensibly after the fleet had been on the shore waiting for either a breeze or a clear 30 minutes after the last electrical storm the races were cancelled for the day. A fabulous BBQ was supplied on Saturday night by the club, which allowed the fleet to catch up with each other in a social setting and all were looking forward to Sunday where the race team had arranged a four race series back to back, so an early start as weather forecast looked favourable.

Sunday dawned with clear skies and a light southerly wind. The fleet left the shore and after a slow 30 minute sail to the sailing area were held by the race team for the predicted increase in wind to fill across the reservoir. The wind duly obliged and the windward / leeward courses were set enabling four competitive races to be sailed.

Overall Results :-

1st Jeremy Hudson

2nd Hilly King

3rd Ian Duke

Masters prize, Phil King

Seniors prize, Geoff King

Veterans prize, David Pritchett

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