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Tuesday 25 July 2023

Solway Yacht Club Cadet Week 2023

After a weekend of near gales that forced the cancellation of the Hestan Island Race and the final races in the Spring Series, the wind dropped, the sun came out and fifty-five smiling young faces from 8 to 21 arrived to join the annual Cadet Week in Kippford.

As now well established, participants were split into complete beginners, improvers groups, coached racers, and the hot-shot racing fleet. Joanne Harris, the Club's Cadet Officer, launched the week, briefing the cadets, parents, and volunteers with the plans for the days ahead.

Throughout the week the "Red Caps" training and improver fleets were making great progress, with the young sailors gaining in both their sailing skills and confidence as the days passed. Next year, they will take the next steps along the progression pathway with many joining the coached racers. "Most Improved" awards went to Katie Gascoigne, Darcy Gibson, Arthur Hampton, and Niamh Watson.

With the clubhouse full to capacity, prize-giving was a great celebration of everything the young sailors had achieved while the Sportsmanship Trophy was well deserved by Tamsin and Keiran with the Topsy Turvey trophy going to Elise and Frazer who got more than their fair share of capsize practice!

Overall Results:

Handicap 1 Fleet

1st, the Commodore's Cup and the Almorness Cup: Finn Harris (ILCA4 Laser 4.7)

2nd, the Merrick Cup: Anastasia Yaoyao and Breagha Johnstone (RS Feva XL)

3rd Tamsin Wallace and Keiran Ganeri (RS Feva XL)

4th Callum McRobert (Byte C1)

5th Katie Bishop (ILCA6 Laser Radial)

6th Maria McMiken and Hannah O'Dwyer (RS Feva XL)

7th Katie Harris and Sally Mackay (RS200)

Handicap 2 Fleet

1st, the Crombie Cup: Toby Iglehart (Topper)

2nd, the Cadet Cup: Thomas McKendrick (Topper)

3rd Jack Vivers (Topper)

4th Lucy Leyshon (Topper)

Coached Racers

1st, and the SYC Tankard: Katie Brown (Topper)

2nd Jess Brown (Topper)

3rd Ida Iglehart (Topper)

4th, and "Most Improved", James Colbeck (ILCA4 Laser 4.7)

5th Murray McKendrick (Topper)

6th Connor Rennie (Topper)

7th Elise Reilly and Frazer McFadzean (RS Feva XL)


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