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Sunday 8 October 2023

Optimist Open at Blackwater Sailing Club


The Indian Summer arrived just in time for this year's Optimist Open meeting at Blackwater Sailing Club; a one-day event and indicator for the East's regional training group RTG. This year with a bumper entry of over 80 boats.

The amazing facilities at this river-based club, allowed for three groups of Oppie sailors to take part. The racers were split into two groups, regatta and main fleet, plus a third group were put afloat on the club's very own pond. This fleet were shown land drills before gently easing themselves into sailing on the lake led by an able team of instructors. A perfect start for those embarking on their sailing journey.

Meanwhile, back at the club house the 60 strong racing fleets were briefed and set afloat. They were met with perfect conditions; the calmness of the early morning weather had transformed into champagne conditions. A sea breeze had built, providing the racers with a steady eight to ten knot wind across the course.

The Main fleet completed four races in total and the Regatta fleet raced on a slightly smaller course closer to shore and managed six races to complete their series. A lot of these sailors were local children, some racing for the first time, the perfect conditions easing them into the sport. 

The day concluded with prizes and a spag bol supper followed by a disco, a great day was had by all the competitors a perfect way to end the summer season.

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