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Friday 23 August 2024

WUKA and Rooster RS Feva Grand Prix GP1 at Ballyholme Yacht Club


With a sprint series training event completed on Friday, GP1 was embedded within the Feva Irish Nationals.

The fleet of 27 launched in a gusty south westerly and reached out about a mile for some consistent breeze in Belfast Loch. Aiden Pounder the RO got the first away on time with 12- 15 kts and occasional gusts into the 20s.

With a cross-section of experience, there were battles throughout the fleet with a few finding the sharp chop and feisty gusts a considerable challenge. The second race was a similar story with a trapezoid course again in use and similar experiences for all. The early frontrunners with two firsts were Phoebe Greenhalgh with her amateur crew Ben Greenhalgh, followed by Tom Sinfield with Millie Greenhalgh with seconds.

With the final race of the day a windward-leeward course was set which would prove a blessing for the mark laying team as the 20 left degree shift just after start continued its merry way to 40 degrees and beyond. Half way up the beat there were mixed feelings from the leaders and losers at the subsequent abandonment. Some slick work saw the course reset and into sequence only to be afflicted with further shifts, postponements and resets.

The gusts were increasing in ferocity as the fleet finally got away and some of the local talent decided it was time to demonstrate their metal. A first for Emily and Annabel Ridout, followed by Matt and Peter Ridout, with Jessica Dadley-Young and Sally Nixon closing out for a top 3 from BYC.

Racing largely complete, the heroics were not over as the fleet recovered to shore in a steady 25 Kts and reducing visibility.

Off the water and a post race snack was greatly received.

Whilst the sailors had been competing, a team of volunteers led by Glynis Ridout had casually rustled up a hearty two course meal and set tables for 80, all accompanied by an Irish three piece youth band! UK sailors, please don't expect this at every GP in the future.

Day 2 and 18 kts forecast kept a few boats on the shore. With the front runners now up to speed, the BYC boats threw down the gauntlet with a Ridout 1 and 2. The scores tight and positions changing on all the remaining races, it came down to a point between 1st and 2nd overall with at least three other boats all in contention to podium.

With a number of the Irish boats adopting a goose winging and death rolling downwind tactic on the runs, the fleet was largely split between those who did and did not use the asymmetric.

The final overall victors in GP1 were Phoebe and Ben followed by Emily and Annabel with third going to Tom and Millie. Emily and Annabel were also crowned Irish National Champions with Jessica and Sally as runners up.

Overall Results:

Pos Sail No Helm Crew Club R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Pts

1st 8791 Phoebe Greenhalgh Ben Greenhalgh Port Dinorwic SC 1 1 ‑4 4 1 2 9

2nd 6095 Emily Ridout Annabel Ridout BYC ‑5 5 1 1 2 1 10

3rd 8818 Millie Greenhalgh Tom Sinfield Port Dinorwic SC 2 2 ‑6 3 3 3 13

4th 6351 Matthew Ridout Peter Ridout BYC 4 4 2 2 4 ‑5 16

5th 2358 Jessica Dadley‑Young Sally Nixon BYC ‑6 3 3 5 5 4 20

6th 6581 Ross Nolan Martha Nolan BYC / RNIYC 3 7 7 6 ‑8 8 31

7th 4281 Sam Kelly Daniel Long East Down YC 7 ‑9 8 7 6 6 34

8th 1899 David Fletcher William Fletcher BYC 9 8 11 8 7 (DNC) 43

9th 4595 Ellie Nolan Niamh Coman RNIYC 8 10 ‑12 9 9 9 45

10th 4299 Charlie Stocking Alannah Kelly EDYC 10 ‑11 9 10 10 7 46

11th 5487 Matthew Holden Tom Fletcher BYC 11 12 10 11 (DNC) 10 54

12th 1715 Lucy Anderson Sophie Murray RNIYC 12 ‑13 13 12 11 11 59

13th 2981 Anna Wilkinson Cara Coman RNIYC (DNC) 6 5 DNC DNC DNC 62

14th 5482 Ryan Smith Jasper Smith BYC (DNF) DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC 85

14th 82 David McGinty Daniel McGinty BYC (DNC) DNC DNF DNC DNC DNC 85

14th 2395 Chloe Whyte Greta Qutteineh BYC (DNC) DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC 85

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